Many people, no matter how healthy they eat, may experience problems with fatigue at some time in their life. One thing that people need to realize is that even if a diet is very balanced, they still may not be getting the correct amount of vitamins and minerals. Most people can benefit from supplementing their diets with vitamins.

Synthetic vitamins such as One-a-Day will not suffice, either. A good, quality multivitamin is necessary in order to reap any type of benefit. Synthetic vitamins, which are derived from man-made products, aren't properly absorbed by the body. Vitamins obtained from whole foods are not only healthier, but also easier for the body to absorb.

Sometimes if a person is feeling particularly fatigued, they may require additional amounts of certain vitamins, especially if their multivitamin doesn’t contain high enough quantities for their specific needs. Vitamin B-12 is one vitamin that can help reverse the debilitating effects that fatigue may have on a person. Vitamin B-12 is rapidly depleted from the body during high-stress times. This is why the amount of this particular vitamin in a multi just may not be enough. When the body is under greater amounts of stress than usual, extra amounts need to be taken.

The sublingual version of this vitamin works a lot quicker, giving a person almost instant energy. The reason that sublingual doses work immediately is because the capillaries under the tongue are able to quickly absorb the vitamin and disperse it into the bloodstream, where it goes to work.

Another supplement that may help a person beat fatigue is L-carnitine. This substance is actually an amino acid that can help transfer fat into the body’s cells, allowing the body to use it for energy. A person can either try increasing the red meat in their diets, which is the primary source of this amino acid, but it may be a lot easier to just take a supplement.

It takes energy to get the motivation to exercise, but believe it or not, exercising actually helps to increase energy, therefore decreasing fatigue. During exercise, endorphins, feel-good hormones in the brain, are produced, and they flood the body with energy.

So, if a person is suffering from fatigue, they don’t have to just live with it. They need to reevaluate their eating habits and find out what vitamins their body may be lacking. It may be as simple as changing the foods that they consume, or supplementing with extra vitamins and minerals.

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