Why Protein Is Important In Meals!

Proteins. What can you say about them? You can research it and get a nosebleed definition and still end up asking what proteins are all about. A key aspect of its importance is that it is essential for good health. It is so essential that life as we know it would not exist without—proteins.

Our cells, tissues, organs and muscles have proteins. The ones that we eat are essentially the same proteins that are found in our bodies just arranged quite differently.

To understand proteins, is to start off with amino acids. Amino acids are molecules that are made up of chemical elements such as: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. There are about 500 amino acids known to man as of the moment.

Proteins are long chains of amino acids and among the known amino acids 22 are essential for the body to function properly, these are known as proteinogenic amino acids. Now, 20 of the 22 proteinogenic amino acids are known as “standards”. Nine of these 20 “standard” amino acids are called “essential”. They are called essential amino acids because the body cannot create it on its own and needs to be sourced through diet.

Dietary protein is important in meals that you ought to consume 50 grams of protein per day or about 200 calories. You need to have proteins to have nitrogen which is required for building the body and DNA synthesis. Protein in meals is crucial to the balance in your diet. Having servings of proteins along with the right fats and carbohydrates is a good way to maintain health and will give you the right amount of nutrients.

Meats are the best source of complete proteins. It can also be obtained through dairy products, eggs, fish and poultry. It provides us with a complete supply of the essential amino acids. Fruits and vegetables are sources of incomplete proteins because they lack one or several of the essential amino acids.

Therefore, meat products and other food related to animals are the best sources of proteins. If you want to source your proteins through fruits and vegetables; you need to pair one type of food with another to come up with a winning combination.

Many of proteins’ benefits are at the cellular level. Proteins are crucial in cellular processes where it involves metabolism. Some of the proteins are enzymes that act as a catalyst to some reactions in the body. It is also involved in the maintenance function in the shaping of the cytoskeleton within a cell and some structural function such as myosin or actin in the muscle.

Other functions may include: cell cycle, immune responses, cell signaling and cell adhesion. Also, red blood cells have hemoglobin that is a compound that is made up of proteins that is needed to carry oxygen all over the body. The clear fluid in blood called plasma is also a protein that is the one that transport cholesterol all throughout the body.

In any nutritional meal, the key is to have a well-balanced diet. Having the right amount of proteins is needed to maintain health. We need to source our proteins correctly and in the right amount so as not to cause harm to other bodily functions. This is key because if a person sources his proteins exclusively through meat; there is a risk to increase likelihood to contract cardiovascular diseases as a result of too much consumption of meat.

The right combination of proteins daily from the right food should suffice your needs. It is important to remember that too much of anything can be dangerous and you should always take everything in moderation.

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