Nutrients That Must Be Included In Your Diet!

Nutrients are very important for the human body because it helps our body system to function properly and these essential nutrients must be taken everyday to keep us strong and healthy. Vitamins as well as minerals do not provide calories but still must be included in our daily diet to prevent diseases. Many nutritionists, dietitians and health experts advise the intake of foods that are nutritious and well-balanced. These nutrients must be from a variety of foods like vegetables and fruits. Below are the vitamins and minerals that must be included in your diet:

  • Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Fat-soluble vitamins that are vitamins A, K, D, and E. These kinds of vitamins can be stored in your body that can be used in the future. What is the importance of these vitamins in the body? Vitamin A is responsible for good eye sight or for healthy vision. Vitamin D on the other hand is for teeth and bones. This kind of vitamin is usually coming from the sunlight during morning. This is also found in eggs, cereals, and fish. Moreover, Vitamin K is very important because this vitamin is responsible for wound healing. Lastly, Vitamin E is our protector from any damages brought to us by other substances.

  • Water-soluble Vitamins: Water-soluble are vitamins B and C. These vitamins are needed frequently because unlike the fat-soluble vitamins that can be stored, these vitamins are the opposite. These can be found in fruits that we usually eat as well as grains and vegetables. The foods mentioned here can easily be destroyed by high temperatures. To maintain the nutrients, you can eat these foods without cooking much or can be eaten raw like for fruits. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, pregnant women must take vitamin B-9 also known as the folic acid or the folate as called by others to avoid defects in neural tubes like spina bifida.

  • Macro-minerals: As what the name implies, they must be taken in large quantities. These are potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium. The purpose of calcium is for the development of healthy bones as well as our teeth. Potassium is good for the function of tissues, cells, as well as our organs. Phosphorous is needed for the proper function of the kidney. This is also responsible for growth and repair of tissues. Lastly, magnesium transmits nerve signals. It also regulates levels of blood sugar.

  • Trace Minerals: Contrary to Macro-minerals, the trace minerals must be taken in small quantities only. For those who are not familiar with this it is in the form of iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, chromium, and copper. The copper together with the iron carry oxygen in red blood cells and the selenium on the other hand is good for men to increase their fertility rate. This also strengthens the immune system. For your metabolism take chromium. For growth of cells as well as healing of wounds you must have foods with loads of zinc. We know that zinc is also responsible for the sense of smell and taste. Iodine is essential for us to produce thyroid hormones which are also needed for growth and metabolism.

So that the next time you hit the grocery or shopping for your weekly meals, always think of buying foods that would provide the best nutrients. Go directly to the section where you can have foods fresh, nutritious and essential to weight loss and physical fitness.

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