Who Is Dr. Lit-hung Leung?

Lit-Hung Leung, M.D. discovered that B5 vitamins were effective in successfully treating acne. Because of his research, many people have discovered the benefits of vitamin B5. His research has allowed many people to successfully heal their acne. Initially, this treatment was only popular in Asian countries, but the beneficial effects of vitamin B5 are starting to become known worldwide.

Oily skin is one of the major factors in causing acne. Dr. Lit-Hung Leung hypothesized that a person taking large amounts of vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) would slow down the body’s production of oil. After extensive research and studies, he discovered that his theory was correct. Vitamin B5 not only causes the body to slow down the overproduction of oil, which effectively treats acne, but it also causes pores to shrink and make the skin more smooth and beautiful.

Dr. Lit-Hung Leung’s original paper on the effects of the B5 vitamin was published in 1997. Now, ten years later, people are starting to realize just how effective vitamin B5 can be in treating acne. As Lit-Hung Leung discovered, B5 vitamins work by regulating the oil-producing glands of the body. This causes the body to slow down the overproduction of oil, which then reduces acne. B5 vitamins actually work to treat acne at the source of the problem rather than treating the symptoms.

Before Dr. Lit-Hung Leung studied the benefits of taking B5 vitamins, there weren’t many options for treating acne that were actually effective. Topical creams are a popular treatment method, but they mostly treat the symptoms of acne and not the root cause. Topical creams also contain chemicals that are absorbed into the body. Prescription drugs like Accutane are fairly effective against acne, but this treatment comes along with potentially severe side effects.

For anyone with oily skin, B5 vitamins can change their skin forever. When you treat the cause of acne, the symptoms such as oily skin and pimples begin to disappear. Vitamin B5 can be a miracle for someone suffering from acne problems. It’s an all-natural substance that really does help cure acne.

B5 vitamins are also helpful because they cause so few side effects. Unlike Accutane, a prescription drug that effectively treats acne but also carries risk of serious damage to liver and other organs, using vitamin B5 generally causes minimal side effects that are usually short-lived. Some side effects are even positive, such as an increase in energy. What are the negative side effects of taking vitamin B5 in large doses? Dr. Lit Hung-Leung discovered that side effects were minimal and can include upset stomach and possibly mild diarrhea.

Vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin for the body. It can be found naturally in many foods including red meat, eggs, fish, broccoli and soybeans. The amount of vitamin B5 found in food is not enough to effectively treat acne. A much higher amount is needed and should be taken as a supplement that is specially formulated to treat acne. Because the benefits of vitamin B5 are becoming well known, it is easy to find a supplement for treating acne.

The research of Lit Hung-Leung, M.D. has greatly impacted the way acne can be treated. He showed that there is a natural way to combat acne. He learned that taking large doses of vitamin B5 is the key to stopping the body’s overproduction of oil and treating acne at its source. Previous to his research, not a lot was known about this amazing treatment, but now it is an accepted and readily available method of curing acne. Because of Lit-Hung-Leung, M.D., many people have found this miracle cure for acne.

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